
A network of people got together to collaborate today for a better tomorrow!

The Pledge we take everyday


Creating networks to increase outreach across regions and building alliances with organizations working with similar humanistic and universal values

The activities shall be carried out independently or in collaboration with other individuals, groups, or other bodies, either public or private

Provide a transparent platform to create networks, linking producer, consumer, and service providers. This will directly encourage distributed, decentralized, and federated economic models.

Design, develop and make use of distributed and decentralized free information infrastructure. This will primarily assist resource-constrained agencies – especially village schools, panchayats, geographically remote and difficult terrains, and marginalized communities.

Respect multicultural and multilingual cohabitations, in any such forms, representations, depictions as may evolve from time to time.

Facilitate and support the participation of people with different abilities, languages, locations, communities, and cultures.


Gather creative expressions (voices) from across the country from the marginalized, criminalized, vulnerable, ignored, and minority communities.

Work towards a confluence of creative expressions and celebrate diversity by providing them with a vibrant forum.

Gathering and curating people’s art in the form of an archive, but also amplifying them through social media.

Empower the people working at the grassroots providing training to use modern media to record and disseminate their voices to the rest of the world


Provide a platform for research, documentation, publishing, and training on art, social, scientific, legislative, and executive aspects of civil life

Suggest policy recommendations and identify amendments to existing policies to promote decentralized state-of-affairs

Literacy for a Democracy

Undertaking activities that will promote the public good; build better citizenship participation; and strengthen democratic imperatives


Providing mentoring, expertise, and resources to groups and individuals in the areas of Social Welfare, Health, Education, Agriculture, Human Development and the Environment

Support and recognize organizations or people who take leadership in promoting the growth of functioning self-governance


Encouraging and supporting relevant organizations to take up programs involving nutrition and the well-being of women and children

Support all efforts towards universalizing public healthcare and the infrastructure to make it accessible


Interacting with and creating content for the print and electronic media across languages to create awareness of issues affecting specific groups or the general populace

Legal Aid

Providing legal aid, where necessary, and supporting civil society groups, minorities, and individuals, in their efforts to ensure the upholding of constitutional values and provisions


Arrange or provide funding that enables participants in the company’s user spaces to independently and sustainably provide appropriate hardware and services in their communities and local regions

Provide scholarships/fellowships and internships to people to experiment, explore, and research efforts


Conduct, organise, promote, conceptualise, curate, design, develop, make available and use new and existing analog and digital media.

Provide platforms for collaboration, communication, and collective action, as also through which to explore and open up pathways of diverse, vibrant cultures. 

Promoting STEM habits

Provide spaces for participatory shaping of technologies involving local communities through the transfer of knowledge to self-help groups to support self-reliance.

Creation of local clubs that carry out creative innovations and investigations to develop and enhance artistic and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) habits among people.


Curate, design, develop and make use of technologies that will promote universal scientific literacy to sustain life in all its forms

Support the design and development of modular technologies to ensure reuse of devices and components and to promote a circular economic system

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